Ancestral Readings
1 hour $140
Mollie’s ancestral readings are perfect for those seeking ancestral counsel regarding their connection to life, family, and culture, or who want an overview of their ancestral lineage. Often a recent ancestor who has passed who you were close to will make themselves known through a divinatory tool they have chosen. Divinatory methods used include Tarot, the pendulum, intuitive sentience, mediumship (specifically psychometry: if you have a photograph of your loved one or an object which belonged to them), scrying and automatic writing/drawing. Readings available in-person or online via zoom.

1-hour Initial Assessment Session (with report) $200
1-hour ongoing consultations $150
Embodying a holistic and ancestral-centric attitude to counsel these sessions consider that ancestral reclamation and remembrance with nature are central approaches to healing and processing grief, loss, death and trauma (including generational/ancestral trauma). Clients spend their sessions within the embrace of the natural world in one of the many beautiful and serene locations found throughout Geelong and the Surf Coast. Centred around the significance of trees in Celtic lore as visual symbols representing the empowering process of personal growth, interconnectedness and self-sovereignty, Mollie provides a nurturing space rooted in a collaborative process of healing with her clients.
At the end of the initial session, clients will be gifted their own report which outlines key themes affecting them, observations, suggested solutions as well as self-practices which encourage their growth alongside facilitated sessions with Mollie.
Ancestral Ceremony
2 hours $450
This combined reading and ceremony dives deeper into the lineages that form your significant ancestral bloodlines. Within the embrace of the natural world, you are welcomed into connection with your ancient ancestors, where Mollie reaches across the veil between worlds and examines the veins of your forearm which hold your ancestral memory (an inherited ability, called bloodline reading). Much like the veins and arteries of the great wise oak, so too does everyone have their ancestral roots reflected in the structures of their energetic and physical circulatory system. Combining this with divining nature and other contemporary divinatory methods, Mollie invites all those whose ancestors call to the deepest parts of themselves to sit with her as the Bean Fease (Scottish wise woman). The session concludes with a small cleansing and initiatory ceremony to gently honour our ancient ones and hold them in our hearts as we journey onwards in life.